Mrs. Amrita Mohta Kothari, aged 34 yrs is the Company Secretary of our Company and has been associated with our Company since 30th May, 2013. She is a young and dynamic person responsible for compliances with RBI, Stock Exchanges and other corporate laws as applicable to our Company. She is an Associate Member of The Institute of Company Secretaries of India.
Mrs. Priya Udaya Kanoji, aged 47 years has been associated with our Company as the Chief Financial Officer since October 12, 2021. Mrs. Kanoji has done Masters in Business Administration (specialization in Banking & Taxation Management) from National Institute of Management, Maharashtra. She is primarily responsible for the accounting and financial matters of our Company. She has an experience of more than 22 years in preparation & finalization of accounts, financial reporting, internal financial control, budgetary control, taxation, review & analysis of financial statements.